Congratulations to Leonardo Agueci and Constance Destais for winning the first and second best posters award!
Detailed program

Important: registration is free of charge but required, save your spot!
Note that registration and account creation are different things.
You need to create an account to submit an abstract and click here to register.
Submissions closed open until November 6th
Contributed talks
Contributed abstracts from all subfields of cognitive, systems and computational neuroscience are welcome.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program comittee and some will be selected to give an oral presentation.
Diversity of topics will be a strong criteria for selection.
Abstracts not selected for contributed talks are automatically accepted as poster presentations.
Poster presentations
All posters will be accepted, unless we reach capacity.
Keynote Speaker

Computing with spikes: A geometric approach to spiking neural networks
Christian Machens (Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal)
Invited Speakers

Learning a shared representation of spontaneous brain activity across multiple individuals
Georges Debrégeas (Sorbonne University)

(Episodic) Time
Virginie van Wassenhove (Paris-Saclay University)

Networks vs Circuits
Srdjan Ostojic (École Normale Supérieure)

Neuroimaging the primate social brain
Julia Sliwa (Paris Brain Institute)
Light lunch and closing drinks
Generoulsy provided by Alex Cayco-Gajic, Yves Boubenec, Qlife and Aquineuro.
We thank for her work in designing the logo.